Release notes Clickker API

On this page you will find an overview of the latest updates and improvements in Clickker, aimed specifically at users of Exact software. Here, we inform you about changes that contribute to better integration and more efficient use of Clickker in combination with Exact.

Take a look at the release notes to see what changes and enhancements are available and how they may apply to how you work.

Release Notes 14-01-2025


  • Changed sorting of Invoice status endpoints from InvoiceDate to InvoiceNumber.
  • Added SalesOrder/SDK, which allows creating a sales order via SDK.

Flow System

  • Fixed bug when creating schedule. The registered task now refers to the correct path.

Frequently asked questions

FAQ - Release Notes Clickker

What are release notes?
Release notes are documents that list new features, improvements, and solutions to problems in Clickker. They help users keep abreast of changes to the software.

Where can I find the release notes?
The release notes can be found on our website, on the dedicated page set up for this purpose. You can reach it via the main menu under "Support" and then "Release Notes."

How often are release notes updated?
Release notes are updated after each new version of Clickker. This can range from monthly updates to smaller, interim releases.

What kind of information is in the release notes?
The release notes contain information about new features, improvements to existing features, solutions to problems, and sometimes details about technical changes.

How do I know if a new feature is relevant to my situation?
Each new feature is explained in the release notes, including scope information. This makes it easy to determine whether the feature applies to your use of Clickker.

Are errors and bugs mentioned in the release notes?
Yes, fixed errors and bugs are clearly described in the release notes, along with information on how they were addressed.

Are release notes available in multiple languages?
Currently, the release notes are available in Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish and Polish. We regularly review the need for additional languages.

Can I be notified of new release notes?
At the moment, release notes are not yet processed automatically. Therefore, please keep a close eye on our website.

How can I provide feedback on an update in the release notes?
You can send feedback on updates via our support team or via the feedback button in the Clickker dashboard. This will be taken into account in future improvements.

What should I do if I experience problems after an update?
Please contact our support department. They will help you resolve any issues and can provide advice based on the latest release notes.

Questions or comments?

Have a question about the release notes or want to pass on a comment? Please let us know. Whether it is an explanation of an update, a technical change or a suggestion for improvement, we will be happy to help you.

Use the buttons below to submit your question or comment or to schedule a demo. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

CTA image Raymon - release notes

We have already standardised these Exact links for you!

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